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Laser Frenectomies

Dr. Rebecca Day and our Sunny team are here for all of your little one’s dental needs! If your child requires a frenectomy, we’re proud to provide advanced laser frenectomies that ensure a quick and painless procedure.

Dr. Day studied infant frenectomy techniques with Dr. Bobak Ghaheri, one of the top ENT surgeons in the world!

What is a laser frenectomy?

A frenectomy is a procedure used to treat tongue or lip ties.

  • Lip tie is a condition where the frenulum (the little piece of tissue connecting the lip to the mouth) is too thick or too stiff.
  • Tongue tie is a condition where the frenulum under the tongue is too short, too tight, or too close to the tip of the tongue.

Both conditions can restrict the movement of the tongue or lip.

During a frenectomy procedure, the frenulum is released to provide more mobility and flexibility, alleviate issues associated with the condition, and improve overall oral health.

We use the state-of-the-art diode laser to ensure that the procedure is quick, precise and pain-free! Laser frenectomies are safe, and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) “recognizes the use of lasers as a beneficial instrument in providing dental restorative and soft tissue procedures for infants, children, and adolescents, including those with special health care needs.”

As with any procedure, Dr. Day will explain the laser frenectomy procedure in detail, step-by-step, to ensure that you are informed and feel comfortable with the treatment. We do everything we can to ease your little one’s anxiety and ensure a successful process in the shortest amount of time!

At what age should a child get a frenectomy?

A laser frenectomy procedure can be performed as early as a few weeks after birth, but may be performed on patients of any age. The right age for a frenectomy depends on the severity of the tongue or lip tie as well as the complications associated with it.

In cases where the condition is preventing a child from feeding or latching properly, a frenectomy must be performed as soon as possible to prevent hunger and malnourishment.

When you visit our office, Dr. Day will examine your little one’s condition to determine whether a frenectomy is necessary. She partners with a speech/feeding therapist to evaluate the condition and treat only if necessary.

Laser Frenectomy Benefits

Laser frenectomies are often medically necessary, because the tongue or lip tie condition can cause a range of serious issues, including difficulty latching and breastfeeding, speech impediments, and dental problems like gum recession or tooth decay (cavities).

The laser frenectomy procedure can make feeding easier and more comfortable for both you and your little one. It can also improve speech development and prevent future dental issues.

Traditionally, frenectomies are done via a scissor snip, which can lead to bleeding and a longer healing time. Laser frenectomies, on the other hand, rarely cause bleeding! The diode laser also cauterizes the tissue to drastically reduce the risk of infection.

What can I expect if my child needs a laser frenectomy?

To perform a laser frenectomy, Dr. Day will help you determine the best sedation approach for your little one. We offer nitrous oxide inhalation (laughing gas), oral conscious sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia in a hospital setting.

At Sunny Day Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Day will only use anesthesia if necessary. This is dependent on your child’s age. Dr. Day will apply a gentle topical anesthetic as well as a local anesthetic to numb the area around the frenulum. She will then use a diode laser to gently cut through the connective tissue and release the frenulum. The procedure takes only a few minutes! Your little one may experience a little soreness or tenderness in the mouth directly after.

We will send you home with detailed aftercare instructions, answer to all of your questions, and important post-op stretches to help your little one heal.

Tongue tie & lip tie stretches

Exercises after a laser frenectomy are an essential part of your little one’s healing process. These exercises help prevent the frenulum from reattaching, loosen the muscles, and encourage the development of new tissue in the area.

Here are a few exercises to work with:

  1. Start by washing your hands thoroughly! We want to avoid getting bacteria in your little one’s mouth. Then, we recommend lubricating your finger with coconut oil.
  2. For the upper lip, gently lift the lip up for five seconds – almost as if you’re trying to stretch it over the nose.
  3. Next, perform a gentle scoop motion over the wound: Start at the base of the gum tissue and move up towards the nose for another five seconds.
  4. Use your fingers to elevate the tongue as high as it will go towards the roof of the mouth for five seconds, relax, and repeat once more.
  5. Slowly rub the lower gum line from side to side with your finger. Your baby’s tongue will follow your finger and this will help strengthen their tongue movements.

We will discuss and demonstrate these post-op frenectomy exercises in-person after the procedure!

If you’re looking for a “laser frenectomy near me”, we encourage you to reach out to us to book an appointment. We are your experienced pediatric dentist for tongue tie and lip tie treatment with painless laser technology.

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Dr. Day is your trusted pediatric dentist in Baton Rouge and Addis, LA! Starting with your little one’s very first tooth, our team is here to guide you through the smile milestones and provide expert dental care with a gentle and compassionate approach.

We want every visit to our office to feel like a Sunny Day! Contact us today to schedule your appointment.