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Interceptive Orthodontics

Through interceptive orthodontics, we aim to prevent more complex and costly treatment later in life by addressing dental and skeletal issues in your little one while their teeth and jaw bones are still developing!

If your child requires interceptive orthodontic treatment, Dr. Rebecca Day will explain the process in detail and ensure that you and your child are comfortable with the treatment plan.

What is interceptive orthodontics?

Interceptive orthodontics, or early orthodontic treatment, is a treatment approach that involves intercepting malocclusions (misalignments in the teeth and jaws) in children at an early age, before the issues become more severe and require more complex treatment methods.

This treatment approach works alongside your child’s natural growth and development process to ensure the shortest treatment route to a beautiful, healthy smile.

What are the benefits of interceptive orthodontics and dental space maintainers?

Malocclusions can affect your little one’s quality of life! When teeth are crooked, crowded or positioned improperly, it can lead to a few challenges, including:

  • Difficulties brushing and flossing teeth thoroughly
  • Difficulties with speech
  • Jaw pain
  • Pain when chewing, biting or eating
  • Self-esteem issues

Through interceptive orthodontics, we aim to prevent more complex and costly treatment later in life by addressing dental and skeletal issues while they’re still developing! During the younger years, orthodontic treatment is most effective and efficient.

As problematic dental conditions progress through the teen years, they can require intense treatments (like corrective jaw surgery) to restore function and/or smile aesthetics.

What can I expect if my child needs interceptive orthodontics?

At your child’s first dental exam, Dr. Day will thoroughly examine your little one’s smile to determine whether space maintenance or orthodontics may be required. In cases where there isn’t enough space in the mouth for all permanent teeth to emerge, Dr. Day may prescribe a space maintainer.

Space maintainers

Space maintainers are small custom-fitted dental appliances placed in the mouth when a child loses a tooth earlier than expected to keep a space open and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting into the empty space. Without a space maintainer, teeth can start to crowd or grow crooked in misalignment.

By maintaining the proper spacing, we can help guide development of permanent teeth and prevent space loss to help future orthodontic treatment!

Other Pediatric Dental Services

Schedule your appointment!

Dr. Day is your trusted pediatric dentist in Baton Rouge and Addis, LA! Starting with your little one’s very first tooth, our team is here to guide you through the smile milestones and provide expert dental care with a gentle and compassionate approach.

We want every visit to our office to feel like a Sunny Day! Contact us today to schedule your appointment.