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Restorative Dentistry for Children

For our little patients who have damaged teeth due to tooth decay (cavities), disease, or injury, a restorative dental treatment may be ideal.

Dental restorations may be performed on teeth with cracks, chips, or holes in order to restore the structure or appearance of teeth to support proper growth and development.

If your little one has damage to his or her teeth, Dr. Rebecca Day will perform a thorough exam of your child’s smile to determine which restorative treatment option is the most comfortable and effective.

We never force anything. We go at your child’s pace, and we offer sedation options to help your child relax!

What is restorative dentistry for kids?

A dental restoration is any type of restoration technique used to restore or recover the natural appearance or function of a damaged or missing tooth. Common dental restorations in children include:

Developing healthy baby teeth and adult teeth is essential to a person’s overall health! Dental restorations can promote proper growth and development of the smile to maximize your little one’s quality of life.

A dental restoration can ensure that any damage to a child’s primary tooth or teeth doesn’t carry over to the permanent adult teeth.

What are the benefits of dental restorations for children?

Prevent further problems
Restoring teeth can help support a strong smile in both function and appearance. Restorations can fill in for missing or damaged teeth to prevent further problems from developing. We can prevent the need for interceptive orthodontic treatment with the right restoration!

Restore a healthy smile
We can help restore your little one’s smile so that he or she can smile confidently and build a healthy self-esteem.

What can I expect if my child needs a dental restoration?

Our board-certified pediatric dentist, Dr. Day, will examine your child’s smile and determine whether a restoration is necessary, and if so, identify the right restoration technique.

We may recommend a filling, crown, pulpectomy or pulpotomy depending on the damage. Read more information about each below.

Depending on your little one’s smile condition, we may recommend fillings. Fillings are performed to fill holes in teeth caused by cavities, or tooth decay, and are limited to the size of the cavity. Most small cavities can be restored with fillings, but if they are too large, a crown is necessary.

If damage to the teeth cannot be restored with a filling, a stainless steel crown is best.  Dr. Day will determine the best treatment route on an individual basis.

Interested in white crowns? Learn about the difference between white crowns and stainless steel crowns.

If the soft pulp in the crown of your child’s tooth is damaged due to a deep cavity, a pulpotomy may be necessary to save the tooth. A pulpotomy is a procedure performed on a live, viable tooth.

If the infection reaches down the tooth root, a pulpectomy may be necessary to remove the remaining damaged pulp and prevent further damage to the jaw bone. This is similar to a root canal.

Sedation options
If a restoration is necessary, we recommend sedation dentistry as a safe and effective solution for easing your child’s fears and preventing pain and discomfort. Your little one’s comfort, safety and happiness are most important to us!

Other Pediatric Dental Services

Schedule your appointment!

Dr. Day is your trusted pediatric dentist in Baton Rouge and Addis, LA! Starting with your little one’s very first tooth, our team is here to guide you through the smile milestones and provide expert dental care with a gentle and compassionate approach.

We want every visit to our office to feel like a Sunny Day! Contact us today to schedule your appointment.